Утримування власного маркетинг відділу це дуже великі і часто не ефективні витрати.
Найм багатьох різних агенств на кожен напрямок - це некоординація та зайві витрати.
Для чого? Хіба не простіше довіритися одній компанії, яка зробить все?
Our specialists are online
We carry out a free analysis of general processes, leave an application and get advice from the company's manager
Wait for a response, our manager will contact you shortly
Також якщо ви наймете собі всіх підрядників на послуги, які ми надаємо, то:
це буде в рази дорожче
у випадку, якщо щось піде не так, як планувалось, вам буде важко знайти винних
система, яка у вас вже працює, може зруйнуватись, якщо рекомендації підрядників будуть суперечити одна одній.
універсали, які працюють зі всіма нішами, не знають специфіки вашого бізнесу і пропонують стандартні рішення
Since 80% of Ukrainian businesses are not yet prepared to function at the second level of our system, we have made comparable growth in our commitment to developing a consistent business system.
Three levels make up our system.
00 do a thorough social network analysis of your company
01 target certain audience segments (interests) by setting up customized advertising on Facebook and Instagram
02 design advertising banners for each audience subgroup
03 publish 5 posts and 30 stories each month
04 offer 1 manager to choose which applications are appropriate and provide him with a script
05 bring in one of the Ukrainian marketplaces
06 weekly report on all runs' indicators
PRO Level
All services
Level 1
08 full review of the sales department's work and each manager's performance analysis
09 verify your employees' level of involvement and report the results of each member by the top expert. Conferences conducting, providing recommendations and tasks.
10 We develop INDIVIDUAL SALES SCRIPTS Conducting training for all managers on how to use the script correctly in order to have an understanding of how to get a person to buy.
11 Google advertising, the development of and filling out Google-places
12 site recommendations, including either the correction of an existing website or the creation of a new one from scratch* (for an additional fee)
13 Work with OLX, PROM, HOTLINE marketplaces (optional)
14 Development or correction of BAF analytics and general business system
MAX level
We create partnership in your business. Discussed individually
When entering into an agreement, we discuss the condition that our payments are solely based on earnings derived from our work. A clear analytics framework will be established, enabling you to oversee everything.
Essentially, the work operates on a percentage basis.
What is the difference among all levels and why did we make this division?
Normally, we encourage clients to begin with START level so they can see the outcomes of first collaboration. We spot all mistakes and issues in a certain business and then, after performing a thorough study and finding solutions to the issues that developed at the first stage, we go to the second systemized level.
00 do a thorough social network analysis of your company
01 target certain audience segments (interests) by setting up customized advertising on Facebook and Instagram
02 design advertising banners for each audience subgroup
03 publish 5 posts and 30 stories each month
04 offer 1 manager to choose which applications are appropriate and provide him with a script
05 bring in one of the Ukrainian marketplaces
06 weekly report on all runs' indicators
Our clientele is already established in 11 cities in Ukraine, 6 in Kazakhstan, and 3 in Romania
Wait for a response, our manager will contact you shortly