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December 14, 2024

Social media analysis of furniture manufacturers in Estonia

Social media is an important tool for promoting companies, but often companies do not use its full potential, which is why the conversion of advertising campaigns is lower than it should be, and users do not build trust in the brand.


Analysis of social media of furniture industry companies in Estonia showed the following results:

Country: Estonia
Number of companies: 20
Niche: Furniture

An analysis of 20 pages of Estonian furniture manufacturers showed that most companies still do not understand how to work with social media in 2025


  • Visual unity of profiles: only 20% of profiles have a single visual theme, 35% have no visual unity, and 35% have partial unity.
  • Expert posts: only 2 companies regularly publish expert posts, 5 companies - sometimes, and 12 companies do not publish at all.
  • Number of publications per month: the maximum number of publications per month is 13 (Moobliait). Most companies publish only 0–6 times per month.
  • Frequency of publications: 60% of companies have a low frequency of publications, 30% have a moderate frequency, and 10% have a high frequency.
  • Advertising activity: 25% of companies run ads periodically, 20% - constantly, and 55% do not use advertising at all.
  • Advertising creatives: the average number of creatives is 3.9. Only 5% of ads are made in the format of user-generated content (UGC), which significantly reduces engagement.
  • Publication of completed objects: 16 companies publish completed objects frequently, but 4 companies do so only sometimes.
  • Stories: 90% of companies do not keep stories or do so irregularly, and only 10% of companies do so regularly.
  • Highlights: 70% of companies have well-designed highlights, 6.67% do not have them at all, and 23.3% have partially designed highlights.
  • Description of profiles: 15% of profiles have an unspecified USP (unique selling proposition), only 35% include numbers that could increase credibility.
  • Entertainment posts: 85% of companies do not publish entertainment posts, 5% - sometimes, and 10% of companies often publish.

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Here's what we have: out of 20 companies in Estonia, only 10% regularly publish expert posts, and most companies post less than 6 posts per month. This indicates low activity, and does not allow you to gain trust from potential customers. 25% of companies run ads from time to time, and 55% do not use them at all, and this limits their visibility. Businesses that do not invest in content and do not use all the possibilities of social networks are missing the chance to build strong relationships with their audience.